Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Water Droplets on Kale

I'm taking a photography class, so this week, (and probably for many more to come) you get to see my experimentation.


  1. Lovely photos! It's great that you're taking a photography class - it's something I've wanted to learn more about myself.

    1. MotherReader, I was amazed by how quickly I learned so much. I'm someone who cannot learn technical material from a manual or book. Now that I've gained enough knowledge from the class, however, I am able to expand my knowledge through reading. It was only a total of 4 class hours and I learned so much.

  2. I would love to take a photography course-maybe when my youngest is in school I might find the time! My photo's are all self taught at the moment, but still very enjoyable to do. Lovely macro shots you have there-beautiful detail.

    1. Redpeffer,
      The one I took was a total of 4 hours- two 2 hour sessions called "Photography for Moms (and Dads)." While the focus was on photographing our children, I learned skills applicable to all photos. Those 4 hours were just enough to get me off the auto settings I relied on so heavily before. Maybe you could find something similar in your area. Now I'm able to read this book and make more sense of it, too.
