Friday, March 4, 2011

Museum of Science Overnight

Last Saturday, my family slept at the Museum of Science with my son's Scout pack. This was not my first museum overnight. During my 10 years as a grade 4 teacher, I organized 10 overnight trips for our fourth grade students (The last few years we brought 170 people). To say I loved those trips would be an understatement. When other adults were worrying about the late night, sharing public bathrooms, and sleeping among a bunch of strangers, I was anticipating the fun and learning to come. I'm like a kid on these trips. Besides, who wouldn't like the opportunity to sleep with a T-Rex, or near a wave tank, or in an indoor playground?

This most recent trip did not disappoint. Our overnight schedule included an evening program, a design/ engineering workshop, a lightening show, a late night snack, an Omni show about dolphins and a live animal show (scorpions, hedgehogs and boa constrictors, anyone?) We also got to experience the exhibits when the museum was closed.

I know this isn't exactly a "get out in nature" kind of experience like I normally encourage. During a long, cold, New England winter, however, it's a nice change of pace. There are also several exhibits that specifically relate to natural topics and there's a live animal exhibit.

If you live in New England, I encourage you to organize an overnight for your class, home-schooled students, or scouts. Sure, you'll wake up exhausted, but you'll also have a unique, fun learning experience with your kids!

Have you ever experienced an overnight like this?


  1. I loved going with my daughters to the Science Museum. Although we did not get much sleep (you really need an air matress), we had so much fun. On the last trip with my youngest daughter, there was a fire alarm. Someone must have pulled the alarm. The firemen came and we were all cleared to go back in the building. I looked at my daughter and knew the wheels were turning in her head. Finally, she turned to me with worry in her voice and said, "What happens if the alarm goes off while we are sleeping. I may not wake up!" I told her not to worry, there was no way I was going to leave the building without her. I would just pick her up and get out of the building with her. Upon that answer, she brightend up and had a great evening.

    It's a great sleep over!

  2. Thanks for dropping by and for sharing your experience. The fire alarm must have been scary for your daughter. Thank goodness the museum has a well developed evacuation plan and your daughter has a mom or dad who knew how to make her feel safe. (I can't tell from your post if you're a mom or dad).
