Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Travel Tuesdays: Growing Family

I've been absent from the blogging world for a while. First, I blogged irregularly during our failed RV trip. Then, I stopped blogging altogether when I flew to San Francisco unexpectedly to help with a family medical emergency.Once I returned from San Francisco, I blogged a few times but then I went silent again. There's just been too much going on in my life. Something had to give and I'm afraid this blog was it.

So what's my excuse this week? Well...my nephew.
Photo taken by my sister
Last Tuesday, I flew back to San Francisco to welcome this handsome boy to the family and help my sister with the transition. I mean, really... who wants to blog when you can snuggle this guy?

Photo taken 30 September 2013
As this post goes live, I'll be on a plane back home. I hope to get back into a regular blogging schedule soon but I also need to evaluate what my schedule should be.

If you have thoughts about what you'd like to see here or how often you'd like me to post, please leave a comment or shoot me an email. michelle(at)michellecusolito(dot)com